Travel guides, maps and books for Lefkada island and Epirus


Welcome Maps

Free Visitor's Guide for Lefkada Island, Greece

The advertising map Lefkada Guide is particularly useful for visitors since it provides in a consice form all the essential information a visitor of Lefkada needs such as: the main attractions of Lefkada, food suggestions, accommodation suggestions, shopping and activities suggestions.


Lefkada Tourist Guide
7 Zakynthou St. P.C 31100, Lefkada, Greece
Telephone. & Fax. 2645021095

Athens office:
15 Valtetsiou St. P.C 10680, Athens, Greece
Telephone. 2103645147 - Fax. 2103645149

Advertising reception
Andreas Thermos
Email: ad@lefkadaslowguide.gr
Telephone. 6973668610


Welcome Maps

Free Visitor's Guide for Epirus Riviera, Greece

With suggestions for accommodation, food, entertainment, shopping, alternative activities and valuable information about the area, the Epirus Riviera Guide will be a useful tool for visitors.


Lefkada Tourist Guide
7 Zakynthou St. P.C 31100, Lefkada, Greece
Telephone. & Fax. 2645021095

Athens office:
15 Valtetsiou St. P.C 10680, Athens, Greece
Telephone. 2103645147 - Fax. 2103645149

Advertising reception
Zavra Evrinomi
Email: ad@lefkadaslowguide.gr
Telephone. 6947540949